Welcome to the world of Linda…

I just started blogging in January 2017 and  I love sharing my stories and experiences about food and the gastric bypass. Please follow me, please share my blog. My hope is to help at least one person with their food addiction or gastric bypass experience.

I am working in the Public Health sector, focusing on childhood obesity.  I am currently starting my next big project in life, becoming a non-profit.  The idea started because I wanted to put together a 5k to raise money for childhood obesity. I quickly learned it would be in everyones best interest to be a non-profit.  Well, I’m go big or go home so I am starting my next endeavor.  Come back to find out where I am in the process.

Come back often because things are always changing!

A little history…

Epic fail. I had a whole wonderful history written and posted but THEN I tried to add another page and my history disappeared. So, I’ll make another one and try to keep it short but sweet.

Born in raised in Stevens Point, Wisconsin. Moved to Minnesota in 2003 and I’ve been here ever since. I share my birthday with my dad (November 6 shout out to all the other Scorpios out there) and I’ve celebrated my 29th birthday seven times now.  I’ve struggled my entire life with my weight.  Please see my “Do you remember Tang” blog for some adorable fat pictures.  They say it’s in the genes which makes sense because both sides of my family struggle in some way or another with their weight.  I wish I didn’t have to worry about that.  I also wish I had a million dollars. My dad would say “wish in one hand and…” Ok, I’m getting off track.

I’m married for the second (and last) time to a wonderful man. He truly supports me and wants the best for me which is more than I can say for my first husband. I have a stubborn 10 year old son who pushes me every single day to be a better person. I work at an insurance company so I sit at my desk ALL day long.  Living in Minne-Snow-dah doesn’t necessarily allow for a lot of time to get out and be physically active.

I started writing this blog because I’m going back to school at St. Catherine’s University to finish my bachelors degree in Public Health. I am taking a J term class and our final project needed to be something to do with media and communications.  I’ve always wanted to share my gastric bypass journey I just didn’t know where to start. I had the bypass June 22, 2015 and my starting weight was 230. I have been much heavier than that but I worked really hard to shed some of that. I have lost a total of 105 pounds and I’m holding steady at 125. My real journey begins now, 1 ½ years post- surgery because now the “honeymoon” stage is over.

My blog journey begins here. I’m still very new at this so please check back often to see updates. Please feel free to contact me and ask me questions or give me feedback. Also, please feel free to follow me and share my blog!


Contact Me

Feel free to send me a note. I would love to hear from you!